How To Cope With A Narcissistic Parents?

Your relationship with your parents should be one of love and affection. You should feel protected when you are in the company of the people who create you, name you and raise you. Some people go through a transition and turn completely selfless when their child is born. The purpose of their existence becomes the happiness and well-being of their child. Then there are another set of people, the narcissists.

By definition, a narcissist is someone who is consumed with self-importance, self-admiration, and pure selfishness.

1. Identify The Problem

Self-blame and self-pity is a common feeling that children of narcissistic parents go through. This is because narcissists are so difficult to please and feel that no one but them is perfect or even good for that matter. Narcissistic parents are usually unmindful to the feelings of their children, behave irrationally and irresponsibly without caring about the effect of their behavior on their child and are impulsive and lose their temper easily.

2. Have A Conversation

The first solution to every problem in any relationship is communication. Only with communication can you reach out to your parents and tell them that there is a problem and that it is affecting you negatively. If it is out in the open, your parents may start to feel guilty and try to change themselves. This will happen only if you speak to them in a poignant and hard-hitting manner.

3. Try To Avoid Them

Your parents do not hate you, and you probably do not hate them either. The only problem is that they suffer from this personality disorder that affects you more than it affects them. As you cannot just get up and leave your parents without feeling worse than you already do, you should try to avoid them when they are at their worst.

4. Find Your Happiness

Now that you have realized and accepted that your parents have a problem and will do extremely little to make you happy, you need to look for things that make you happy. Read, watch movies, play sports and do what you love to stay on the happy side of the emotional spectrum. You can even find happiness and solace in a supportive partner.

5. Accept And Move On

Accept that this is what your relationship with your parents is and this is how it is going to remain. Nothing is going to change them, and the only changes that can happen are going to be from your side. Accept them with all their flaws and try to start moving past all the hurt they have caused you. If it is possible or feasible, move out of their house and find your peace in your own place to live.

6. Love Them Anyway

You may distance yourselves from your parents and see them only once in a blue moon, but never let yourself develop hatred towards them. At the end of the day, they are your mom and dad and you still love them even with their flaws. Wish them on their birthdays, get them presents on festivals and let them know that even though they drove their child with their behavior, the child still cares about them and will love them forever.

There are more topics of you can read it from How To Cope With A Narcissistic Parents? . These pointers will definitely help you live a positive life despite narcissistic parents.

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