How To Keep Your Goals To Yourself?

As we enter the new year, everyone is going through the old tradition of making resolutions and goals, only to later not follow through on any of them.

According to Derek Sivers, part of the problem is we blabber about our goals too much. When we tell people what we want to do, and they acknowledge it, this changes our “social reality.” It feels as though we have already achieved that goal, even though — in the real world — we haven’t yet done any of the necessary work.

We’ve all set ourselves some new goals this year, from getting fit to working hard or even something amazing like writing a book. How many of us have turned around, excitedly and told everyone who’d listen what we were going to do? STOP! Just by telling someone about your goals and dreams you make it more likely that they’re never going to happen…here’s why.

Click every topics to keep your goals to yourself.

#1. Write Down The Goal

#2. Resist The Temptation To Speak About Your Goals

#3. Do Not Seek Social Support

#4. Talk About It WIthout Excitement

#5. Think Of The Consequences

Click here to Set Your Goals And Make Them Happen.

Why You Should Keep Your Goals To Yourself?

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