Teachers are backbone of our society

There will be separate Gurukuls for both boys and girls. Girls wil get there education only from women sages called Rishikas. In this Vedic period, the following objectives were ascribed to education. Self-control Development of character Generation of sociability or social awareness Integral development of personality Propagation of purity Preservation of knowledge and culture. Teachers are very... Continue Reading →

How to Compromises In A Relationship?

There are plenty of things you should never, ever sacrifice for the sake of your relationship, but sometimes, compromise can actually be a good thing. While every person and every couple is different, there are a few specific issues where it might help to loosen up a bit and come to a consensus. We asked... Continue Reading →

How To Win An Argument?

People make arguments to defend their standpoints while also showing that their opponent’s argument is flawed in some way. To win arguments, be prepared to use evidence to show why you’re right. You’ll also need to expose the weaknesses in your opponent’s argument. When you gather evidence for arguments, find credible sources that give you... Continue Reading →

How To Keep Your Goals To Yourself?

As we enter the new year, everyone is going through the old tradition of making resolutions and goals, only to later not follow through on any of them. According to Derek Sivers, part of the problem is we blabber about our goals too much. When we tell people what we want to do, and they acknowledge it,... Continue Reading →

Tips to Keep a Girl Interested in you

Getting a girl to date you is just half the battle; now you have to keep her interested. Create a solid bond by maintaining physical contact, talking about your relationship, and making time for simply you two. Place exertion into the relationship and make beyond any doubt to satisfy her needs. Keep things energizing by... Continue Reading →

Tips to be a Better Friend

Better Friends. What is meaning of friends to you? For each individual it is unique. Being a decent friend isn’t always easy, yet taking an opportunity to support a lasting friendship is justified regardless of each ounce of exertion. As the years pass, a few people will stay close by, yet many won’t, and you’ll realize that... Continue Reading →

Who killed Indian Journalist Gauri Lankesh?

Renowned Journalist and activist Gauri Lankesh's assassination has left the entire country shocked with millions seeking an answer from the police about the people behind the murder. For those who do not know who Gauri Lankesh was, she was an Editor of a Kannada weekly who voiced her aggression against the caste system and exposed several... Continue Reading →

Tips to Watch Porn together as a Couple

While there’s plenty of talk about the down side of porn and porn addiction … it seems not everyone is naysaying the adult film industry. Especially now that the industry is evolving, creating porn for women viewers that show more realistic and respectful sex acts between couples. In a recent “Happy and Healthy Sex In Marriage”... Continue Reading →

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