Things to do When your Friends Let You Down

Being let down is never a positive sentiment, particularly when the wellspring of this mistake is the general population we call ‘friends.’ We make friends not simply to have a decent time with them, yet they are likewise there to help us through our awful stages. We fabricate desires from them and these desires are... Continue Reading →

Doing Things Alone

Learn about yourself and feel comfortable in your skin by spending time with yourself. Introspection is the most important part of connecting with your higher self. Here are some of the amazing tips to enjoy doing things alone.

Ways to Choose Happiness always

One of the questions I get asked the most often is “You went through so much in your life- how are you so optimistic and giggly?” Frankly, that makes me laugh, because the truth is, why would I NOT be optimistic and giggly? I don’t want to live my life being pessimistic all of the... Continue Reading →

How To Deal With And Overcome Frustration ?

The fast-paced world leaves many of us frustrated with our lives. There can be a number of reasons for getting frustrated from a hectic job to a negligent partner. etc. But it is always possible to control our frustration and work on it in an effective manner through some small changes in our behavior and approach. Click Here to know the ways to deal with frustration.

How To Make A Man Break Up With You?

If your relationship with your man is not working out and you find it hard to take an ungracious step, adopt these approaches to make him dump you. If you have even directly said what's on your mind, this is how to break up with your boyfriend without saying a word from your end.

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