Things to do when You are in Confusion

It’s an all-too common scene — you’re in a class or meeting and the presenter’s words are going way over your head. You can’t focus on what’s being said — it’s as if the words are in another language. Finally, you hear, “Any questions?” Where do you even begin? Keep out of this trap by learning how to pay... Continue Reading →

Why Is Friendship Important In A Marriage?

It is a sad yet true fact, many relationships lack and level of positive friendship. And many other relationships lack friendships outside the relationship. What does this mean? Quite simply, both people are lonely, sad, bored, and do not share life with people who enjoy common interests. This is a perfect breeding ground for affairs.... Continue Reading →

Why Do Sensitive People Get Offended Easily?

Highly Sensitive people tend to care too deeply about others and cannot process the idea of building walls to protect feelings. They tend to feel everything too deeply and scientifically; they start producing stress hormones with less information itself. They wear their heart on their sleeve which most people tend to take advantage of, making them... Continue Reading →

Some Important Tips For Single Fathers

No one goes to the altar expecting to end up divorced, but it’s a distressingly common occurrence nonetheless. Couples get together with the very best of intentions, full of hopes and dreams, white picket fences, 2.5 kids, or even a penthouse uptown. A life together, a future as a team, and perhaps some little people... Continue Reading →


TOP SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE INFERIORITY COMPLEX FAULT FINDER — Since you don’t really feel good about yourself, you also have difficulty feeling good about others. You really find ways to enumerate their imperfections. You look for ways on how you can make these people not feel good about themselves too. That’s what we call crab mentality-we... Continue Reading →

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