How To Win An Argument?

People make arguments to defend their standpoints while also showing that their opponent’s argument is flawed in some way. To win arguments, be prepared to use evidence to show why you’re right. You’ll also need to expose the weaknesses in your opponent’s argument. When you gather evidence for arguments, find credible sources that give you... Continue Reading →

Ways to Choose Happiness always

One of the questions I get asked the most often is “You went through so much in your life- how are you so optimistic and giggly?” Frankly, that makes me laugh, because the truth is, why would I NOT be optimistic and giggly? I don’t want to live my life being pessimistic all of the... Continue Reading →

Mindful Ways To Let Go Of Hidden Anger

To start this blog post, let’s discuss what causes emotional pain. There are many reasons for having an emotional pain — starting with childhood issues like neglect, abuse and abandonment or adulthood issues like relationship problems, loss of a loved one, being a crime victim, and other situations in which you feel powerless. One of the deep... Continue Reading →

How To Get Someone To Trust?

When you are in the process of hiring someone or when you meet someone new, it can be difficult to determine if they are trustworthy. Though you may have a good first impression of the person, first impressions can often be wrong or ill informed. To best determine if the person is worth trusting in... Continue Reading →

Tips to Control your Thoughts

“Thoughts can be our worst friends,” says Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, “and our worst enemies.” Everyone has had a moment when their mind has a mind of it’s own, but taking control of your thoughts can make you happier, less stressed, and better equipped to solve problems or attain goals. Read on for some tips... Continue Reading →

How to Stop Emotional Eating?

How To Overcome Emotional Eating? Emotional eating often occurs due to feelings of stress, anxiety, fear, boredom, sadness, or loneliness. You may use eating as a way to suppress negative emotions and feel powerless once your food cravings hit. You may be triggered to eat by a major life event or the negatives of everyday... Continue Reading →

How to Stop Girl on Girl Hate?

Girl on girl hate can be seen almost everywhere in female friendships of every age group. Girls making mean and rude comments on another woman’s clothes, body, make-up or looks. Have you experienced it?

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